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20 reasons to visit Burabay in autumn

  • Nature

The unique aura of this place infects every visitor with an irresistible desire to come back here again.

If there are no people at the resort, then the season automatically turns into “dead”. Doubtful thesis! After all, the fact that forests and lakes do not speak out with happy cries of cultural holidayers does not mean they are dying at all. Quite the contrary, when people return to their beloved civilization, nature plunges into its first-born pacification. At this very moment a true moment comes to the most selfless nature admirers and connoisseurs!

1. If you really want to see and feel Burabay as it is then you should definitely come here in the "off season" period, in autumn!

2. For experienced travelers, Burabay is not limited with the lake of the same name, but covers all of Kokshetau area – a whole conglomeration of peaks, water bodies, fancy granite rocks, twisted pines, and cool mosses.

3. Local autumn is a relic echo of the past caught in the boundless steppes of Kazakhstan by the tops of rocky mountains.

4. Poetic nomads were deifying such amazing creatures of nature and surrounded them with an aura of holiness.

5. Every rock, especially such noticeable as Okjetpes (symbol of the place!), is a story frozen in a stone about something wonderful that happened here in the ancient times.

6. Burabay, which gave the name to the whole of this “Steppe Switzerland”, is a kind of the rod on which all other local wonders are strung.

7. But here, around, there are at least fifty original lakes, many of which – Shuchie, Big and Small Chebachie, Jukey, Katarkol – are no less picturesque and charming.

8. Autumn in classical Kokshetau, where evergreen pine trees dominate, may be not such diverse and regal as in Altai or in Ile Alatau, but it also charms and fascinates a viewer!

9. Here is the north of Kazakhstan, and therefore the “golden season” is often very short-lived and can end overnight at the will of unexpectedly flown steppe windmills.

10. Crazy whirlwinds knock down leaves, calm the whisper of birches and immediately fill the atmosphere with other sounds: whistle of pine trees, hissing of grasses and the measured roar of the waves.

11. But when it is windless, then autumn time in the mountains of Kokshe is characterized by phenomenal silence.

12. At such a time you can hear squirrel paws are scrubbing the bark somewhere in the wood and fearful deer are rustling fallen needles.

13. Such as the air here, there is nowhere else in the world, that's why since ancient times weakened, tired and consumptive people came here to be healed with air.

14. In autumn, when philosophic scent of decay (of withering steppes, fallen leaves, soaked moss and mushrooms getting out to the light) invades to the usual range of smells (of sun-soaked granite, lake water, blooming grass and steamed pine needles), air of Borovoe can treat not only the bodies but also the souls!

15. Autumn chill is conducive to long walks – the park nature of local forests favors to the free choice of path.

16. And any climbing to any local mountain (even though to Kokshe-Sinyukha with a height of 947 meters) will surely be remembered for the rest of your life by unreal depth of the open spaces that will open before your very eyes for hundreds of kilometers!

17. The unique aura, which nature has nourished these places with, infects every visitor with an irresistible desire to come back here again.

18. I assure you, this is not necessary to wait for the crowded and noisy summer – visiting Burabay is appropriate at any time of the year!

19. As for autumn, it happens here too rapidly – it often happens that summer ends in September and in September winter begins.

20. However, who said that winter in Kokshetau is worse than autumn?