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Логотип Kazakh  tourism










Логотип Kazakh  tourism










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Kazakhstan through a camera lens

  • Adventure
  • Nature
  • Cultural heritage
  • City Break
  • Food & Drink
  • Nomadic

Bright colors, beautiful music, thoughtful plot... Videos about Kazakhstan presented below, will show Kazakhstan to you from a new perspective.

These videos will certainly help you determine which regions are worth visiting to experience new feelings and emotions.

Image videos

Videos about the country that is called “the land of enchantment, where messages from the past await”, about the beautiful land, “where the most beautiful flowers grow on the slopes of mountains, and sand dunes sing nearby”, about the place that inspires to “live the life undaunted”. We are sure these stories will touch your heart.

“Travelstan” video:

“Adventurestan” video:

“Where are we going? – Welcome to Kazakhstan!” video:

"Ұлы дала еліне саяхат" expedition

The vast land of Kazakhstan as seen through the eyes of operators of the “Ұлы дала еліне саяхат” expedition. Their cameras captured places of power in Altai, enchanting landscapes of Mangystau, as well as Saryarka - the captivating land of nomads, the Silk Road – the route connecting countries, peoples, civilizations at all times...

Altai – a cradle of civilization

Mangystau. You haven’t seen this side of Mangystau yet!

Have you ever heard of such places in Kazakhstan? Saryarka.

The Silk Road

Video blogs

A selection of video blogs about Kazakhstan made both by ordinary travelers and famous travel bloggers. Different people share their impressions of visiting various places in Kazakhstan.

Speaking of films about Kazakhstan, the premiere of Borat 2 (Borat 2) was released in October 2020. The first film "Borat: the study of American culture for the benefit of the Glorious people of Kazakhstan" (eng. Borat: Cultural Learning of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan) was released in 2006 as a film about the kazakh journalist Borat Sagdiev. The film subsequently caused a large wave of negativity, and was banned from distribution in Kazakhstan, Russia and a number of Islamic countries.

TV programs about Kazakhstan

Here you can watch popular TV programs about Kazakhstan filmed recently (English subtitles available). Fascinating travel show “Battle Trip” will certainly keep you glued to the screen!

The territory of Kazakhstan in commercials of global brands

TOP-10 destinations serving as key areas of tourism development in Kazakhstan.

Each destination has its own personality, characteristic natural beauty, being a "tourist magnet" for true travel connoisseurs!