Souvenir Shops

A studio where we sew cozy textiles (blankets, pillows, souvenirs) from a million patches. The studio where we teach the traditional kind of craft - kurak. A studio where you can learn a lot about Kazakh national ornaments.
микрорайон Мамыр-7, 8/2, Алматы, Казахстан

Sale and production of souvenirs in Kazakhstan.
улица Достык, 20, Астана, Казахстан

Salon "Talisman" was founded in 1998. And during this time we have accumulated a lot of experience in the field of jewelry and national art. At the moment, the Talisman salon has the widest range of modern and national jewelry, souvenirs and objects of national art in Astana.
улица Сыганак, 18к2, Астана, Казахстан

Salon "Talisman" was founded in 1998. And during this time we have accumulated a lot of experience in the field of jewelry and national art. At the moment, the Talisman salon has the widest range of modern and national jewelry, souvenirs and objects of national art in Astana.
проспект Республики, 7, Астана, Казахстан

Hand felting using nunofelt, wool, silk. I conduct master classes on making felt products and the technique of applying felt patterns to silk fabric for further making scarves, scarves, dresses, skirts, sleeveless jackets and even coats from them.
улица Тажибаевой, 159, Алматы, Казахстан

Sculptures, earthenware, souvenirs, interior and household items
улица Шолохова, 22, Алматы, Казахстан