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Museums of Kazakhstan

  • Cultural heritage

In total, there are about 250 museums in Kazakhstan, which include local history museums, house-museums of prominent personalities, museum reserves. Special associations have been created in large cities. If you are not indifferent to history, the museums of each region of the country will tell you a lot of interesting things.

Thus, the directorate of the united museums of Astana operates in the capital, which includes the Ethno-memorial complex Map of Kazakhstan "Atameken", the Triumphal Arch "Mangilik El", the museum-memorial complex of victims of political repression and totalitarianism "ALGERIA", the museum of Saken Seifullin, located in one of the original examples of wooden architecture of the late nineteenth century, etc.

The National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan has rightfully become the visiting card of the capital. This is the largest facility among similar ones in the entire space of Central Asia. Invaluable archaeological finds and artifacts are stored there.

The museum of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, fully dedicated to Nursultan Nazarbayev, is interesting. Now the museum has over 40,000 exhibits: books, scientific and archival materials, paintings, sculptural images, as well as personal awards of the former head of state.

Almaty is famous for a wide variety of cultural and historical monuments, as well as museums. The oldest museum of the country is located here – the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan. There are about 300 thousand rare copies, representing a visual chronology of ancient, medieval and modern history, culture, archeology and ethnography of Kazakhstan. One of the organizers of this museum in the first half of the XIX century was the world-famous linguist, author of the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian language" Vladimir Dahl.

There is also an association of museums, which includes 8 complexes: the Museum of Almaty, the Museum of folk Musical Instruments named after Atlas, the Museum of D.A. Konaev, the memorial museum of N. Tlendiev, the literary and memorial museum complex of S. Mukanov and G. Musrepov, the Multimedia Center of Traditional Music, the memorial museum complex of Rayymbek Batyr, the house museum of Akhmet Baitursynuly. Once in one of the museums, you will certainly be told about the others, and you will want to visit them. After all, almost every one of them is equipped with modern technologies for visitor access: holograms, LED screens, information kiosks, 3D tours. Here you can choose an audio guide in Kazakh, Russian or English through the world platform .

One of the most visited nature reserves-museums in the country is the "Azret-Sultan" in the Turkestan region, founded in 1978. Scientific and educational activities aimed at the study and preservation of Turkestan archaeological cultural monuments are conducted here. Historical monuments are located on its territory: the famous mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, the mausoleum of Rabiga Sultan Begim, the Sauran settlement, the Hilvet underground mosque, the mausoleums of Gauhar-ana and Ukash-ata. The museum's fund contains 25 thousand valuable exhibits. 

Whichever region of the country you would not go to, we recommend that you start getting acquainted with its history by visiting museums!