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New mosque of Astana

  • Cultural heritage

The Cathedral Mosque in Astana, which opened its doors to believers in August 2022, is the largest mosque in Kazakhstan and Central Asia in terms of capacity.

The first stone at the construction site of the mosque was laid in 2019 by the initiator of its construction, the ex-president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev. His initiative was supported by private investors; funds from the state budget were not used. The opening took place on August 12, 2022.

The mosque was built on a land plot of 10 hectares. The total area of the premises is about 70 thousand square meters. At the same time, the mosque can accommodate 235,000 people, of which: 30,000 men and 5,000 women can be in the prayer halls; 200 thousand people - in the open air.

Along the perimeter of the mosque there are four minarets 130 meters high. Each consists of 5 parts, symbolizing the five pillars of Islam: shahada, prayer, fasting in the month of Ramadan, zakat and hajj. One of the minarets is open to tourists, where they can take the elevator to the observation deck.

The height of the central dome of the mosque is 83.2 meters, diameter - 62. The height of the front door is 12.4 meters, its weight is 1.5 tons. The door is handcrafted from iroko solid wood. The doors are decorated with Kazakh patterns, the outer walls are decorated with white Arabic script on a blue background.

The large hall and the women's prayer area are covered with carpets with Kazakh ornaments. In the center of the main hall under the dome hangs a magnificent crystal chandelier with a diameter of about 30 meters, weighing 20 tons.

In addition to the prayer halls, on the first and second floors of the mosque, there are classrooms, a conference hall, a marriage hall, a hall for reading the Koran. As well as a television studio, offices, service rooms, shops, a museum and technical rooms.

On the underground floor there is a banquet hall for 440 seats, a closed parking lot for 405 seats, a lobby, a place for technical and ritual services, a place for sacrifice and other premises.

The new mosque is located near the Expo between Kabanbai Batyr and Mangilik El avenues. The area in front of the mosque has been comfortably transformed: lanterns, flower beds, there is a bike path. Luminous installations with benches that protect from sunlight during the day are pleasing to the eye.

Of course, the new mosque and the park adjacent to it will become a new point of attraction for tourists.