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The Top 10 annual events that are happening in Kazakhstan

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Kazakhstan annually hosts different events that are worth not only participating in but definitely checking out.

You have to  admit that travelling comes with  many joys and benefits and even the planning process  can be exciting. The earlier we choose our holiday destination the better chance for success. Kazakhstan annually holds different events that are worth not only participating in but definitely checking out. If you are on a business trip or just traveling and would like to know where all the excitement is happening, please take a look at top 10 brightest events in the county. They are shown in chronological order.

Kokmaisa Festival

Location - near Ulytau Mountains, 160 km away from Jezkazgan (Ulytau district of the Karaganda Province)
Time - early May

Kokmaisa Festival is held in a very symbolic place for Kazakhs, this is in the heart of the country where the Kazakh state was initiated. This is where the three Kazakh juz, three main territorial and tribal divisions were united. It is here in the Ulytau Mountain base, where you will find numerous historical sites, the mausoleums of national heroes and outstanding persons and the many mounds. Here you will grasp the core of the Kazakh traditions and customs that are cherished by locals.

The tradition of celebrating the arrival of spring originated in Terisakkan village, and later on the people in the Ulytau National Historical Cultural and Nature Reserve came up with the idea to celebrate it nationwide.

During the festival travelers may go horse riding, climbing, hiking and trekking in the mountains. Historical sites like the Mausoleums of Jochi Khan, Alasha Khan and Dombauyl are also open for travellers. You may also want to visit the Terekty petroglyphs, or Akjar Mountains - Martian-like landscape featuring reddish craters and valleys, and the unique Jezdy Museum of Mining and Smelting.

May Holidays in Tamgaly Tas

Location - 85 km from Almaty
Time - early May

May holidays in Kazakhstan are the best time for breaks from the city life. If you happen to be in Almaty, go ahead and take a tour to the Tamgalytas ecosite. We also advise you to go rock climbing, or take part in the Ile-Balkhash sailing regatta, maybe come together for some live guitar music around a fireplace, or how about simply experience a few nights in a tent near the full-flowing Ile River?

This festival is aimed at developing the water tourism at Balkhash Lake basin, as we try to prevent the largest lake in Jetisu from shrinking, while promoting sports and healthy lifestyles.

Tamgaly Tas has been a very popular site amongst the extreme sports enthusiasts, adventurers and travelers for over 15 years. The event’s scope and organizers may vary from time to time, but one thing remains certain: that is the rafting and rock climbing, they will leave you wanting more. Your only problem will be choosing which team to join to reach the Ile coast.

Astana Economic Forum in Astana

Location - Astana
Time - mid-May

Astana Economic Forum (AEF) was initiated by the Eurasian Economic Researchers Club and the Kazakhstan Government in 2008.

Within 11 years AEF has become one of the most affluent international platforms for discussing issues related to the improvement and development of the world economy and financial system. The Forumhas seen over 50,000 delegates from 150 states, including 20 Nobel Prize Winners and 30 high-profile politicians.

AEFhad been actively supported by Nursultan Nazarbayev, the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and annually hosted world leaders, experts and businessmen to address the contemporary economic and social issues.

The agenda of the Forumis normally dictated by the world trends. For instance, in 2018 the main topics that were raised included the latest economic developments, resources and sustainability, digitalization and urbanization, longevity and financial revolution, and global security and cultural shifts. You can attend the forum by registering in advance through So take advantage of a lifetime and be a part of one of the largest events worldwide.

Day of the Capital City

Location - Astana and other cities
Time - July

Every year people in Kazakhstan celebrate the Day of the Capital City, this is a public holiday. In 2018, the city of Astana, formerly known as Astana, celebrated its 20th birthday and in 1999 the city was awarded the title for being the City of Peace by UNESCO. Today we can proudly say that the capital of Kazakhstan has become one of the leading political hubs in the world and is one of the main educational and research centers in the country. The capital truly with its many nationalities that live, work, study, do business, and have fun with each other deserves to be a city of peace and concordance. Local and foreign guests start their trip in Astana well in advance as this festival lasts for several days and the events are held before and after the height of the celebration.This festival is about many concerts, performances, various shows and fairs.

The main festival is held on July 6th and there is a magnificent concert that usually takes place in front of the Baiterek monument, where local and foreign celebrities will come and perform. The festival is celebrated in other cities as well, however, you can truly feel the life in the atmosphere in Astana.

Massive mountaineering to the Nursultan Peak

Location - the mountain foothill nearby Almaty
Time - late June – early July

Annually, in late June or early July, there are massive groups that are flocking to the Nursultan peak, which sits about 4376 m above sea level. This is the highest peak near Almaty and surely opens up to one of the most beautiful panoramic views that can be seen from almost any place in the city.

The first massive mountain climbing group heads to this peak, formerly known as Maloalmatinski, took place in 1935, it was at the same time that the peak was renamed to Komsomol Peak.

However, later in the 90’s, it was renamed to Nursultan. This massive mountain known for climbing that was initiated by Nursultan Nazarbayev which was started in Almaty. The mountain climbers were to scale to the peak of Abai as a tribute to a Kazakh poet Abai Qunanbaiuly for his 100th anniversary. Also, Nursultan Nazarbayev supported the Kazakh selected mountaineer teams in their willingness to ascend to the world’s highest mountain, Mount Everest which they had reached in 1997.

Participants can register directly at Talgar Pass (3200 m) for the event. The event is brought to the public’s access by the Almaty Mountaineering Federation and Almaty Rescue Service. Participants need to have special apparel and equipment according to the list provided by organizers. Then there is the Gondola lift which is free for participants.

Route. 5 am – event starts: Medeu (1600 m) – Shymbulak (2380 m) – Talgar Pass (3200 m) – Bogdanovich glacier – Komsomol Pass (4000 m) – Nursultan Peak (4376 m).

Uba Chants Ethnic Folk Festival

Location - Poperechnoe village, near the city of Ridder, in Eastern Kazakhstan
Time - Mid-July

Kazakhstan is a multinational country and home to more than a 100 different ethnic groups who live side by side in harmony, and this directly affects the cultural life in this country. People from different ethnicity celebrate the Turkic holiday Nauryz and the Slavic Maslennitsa. And annually in mid July in the Poperechnoe village near the city of Ridder in Eastern Kazakhstan holds an ethnic folk festival called Uba Chants. Here there are different teams from the region that gather together during the festival to sing songs in Kazakh, Russian and Ukrainian, but the main point of this is to chant the legacy of the so-called old believers. About 200 years ago old believers that originated from Poland moved to Rudny Altai. The old believers are quite reserved, however, they become accessible before the hay harvest: they participate in the festival of Uba Chants, they sing, and they dance in a ring. The festival aims at the authentic legacy of the region to be restored back to life.

The Uba Festival is held outdoors in the nearby West Altai Nature Reserve. During the festival local travel agencies offer various excursions, hiking tours and horseback rides in the forests near Ridder, in West Altai. Here even the Kazakhstani people are astonished with the South Siberian forest consisting mostly of cedars, larches and firs as Ridder is tucked away from big cities and national highways. The tall grass and marshy river valleys add to the landscape. With the mesmerizing mountain slopes topped with the alpine meadows, nature will captivate your soul. Then there is the mountainous tundras that have been severed by time with only rockslides and amazing cliffs as evidence of a once great mass of land. If the beauty of this rugged land does not excite your wild side then the viewing deck set by the campsite will. From this deck travellers can watch bears, elks and marals, in their natural habitat, which will instantly give you that bond with nature that so many people are searching for.

For more information please refer to

Burabike Fest

Location - Shuchinsk – Burabay Resort
Time - late August

Annual Burabike Fest is organized by Rixos Borovoe Hotel and the Bulat Utemuratov Foundation with the support of the Mayor’s Office in the Akmola Province and has been held near the city of Astana for over 5 years. The motto of this charity event is ‘Don’t pass by! Every child deserves a healthy start!’. Businessmen, politicians, famous actors in Kazakhstan, sportsmen and public figures all participate in a bike ride.

Organizers strive to improve implementation of the event every year, so the program is becoming more colorful and intense.The navigation track is about 30 km and also the area for hotels has been carefully worked out, so just in case you are with your family there are more entertainment options are available for children. This gives the opportunity for kids and adults to enjoy the various workshops. Activities for adults include woodcarving, leather bracelet making, painting, fitness, yoga, sauna, fishing, soap making, felting and golf. For kids they include theatre and circus workshops, painting on different materials and things.

There is also a music concert and a charity auction following the bike ride. Famous sportsmen will provide various valuable items for the auction.

“Since the first bike ride up until today we have raised over 470 million tenge that were donated for the purchase of new equipment for pediatric, maternity and rehabilitation hospitals and centres for children. These charity funds also support transport vehicles, furniture and the building of playgrounds for child care centres and other organizations,” stated on the official website.

Don’t miss the Burabike 2019 Fest! Please register on

Okunkol Fishing Fest

Location - coast of Lake Alakol, Almaty Province
Time - early September

When the beach season ends in Alakol and autumn rolls in, there is still much to do for travelers. For example, Pelikan hotel (Akshi village, Almaty Province) for many years has been holding its well-known fishing fest, called Okunkol, in early September. All amateurs are welcome to participate in the fishing competition, as well as in quests, workshops, trainings. Moreover, in 2019 they organized a cooking show right on the black pebble coast. Swimming is also available if anyone wishes but you must remember that the water temperature is a little colder than in August. For more information please visit

Apple Fest

Location - Almaty
Time - mid-September

The city of Almaty is very unique, as in the way it celebrates its birthday. The name Almaty, has its origins from the word alma which stands for an apple. So it is only right that the Apple Fest is held here, during the apple harvest in September in the mountain foothills near Almaty.

All are welcome to visit the apple market and try different apple varieties. Local Aport apples are surely the most known among them. The delicious Aport is famous for its taste and delicate flavor an instant favorite among both locals and guests. Every year the Almaty Apple Festival is celebrated with good music, live performances of the national orchestra and local singers. Autumn in Almaty is also a beautiful season with its bright colors from the changing of seasons and warm weather to accompany the settling of fall, making the daytime and night time perfect especially for nice strolls in the evenings or sitting outside at a café or restaurant to enjoy the changing seasons.

Kansonar Fest (International Falconry Competition)

Location - Burabay district, Akmola Province
Time - mid-December

For winter activities there is falconry, this is one of the most ancient traditions in Kazakhstan. It has been inherited from one generation to another, and in recent years, the popularity of the falconry festivals and competitions has been on the constant rise in the country. One of the most memorable events is the traditional competition that takes place in Akmola Province, and dedicated to Kazakhstan’s Independence Day and to the memory of the legendary falconer Masip Batyrkhanuly.

Falconers from across the country and abroad namely Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Hungary and Mongolia all come to participate in the competition. The competition has three qualification rounds to assess the bird and the falconer, free style flying of an eagle, hunting and catching abilities of a bird. The competition selects the most powerful and strongest birds. Here, fans and guests can watch these regal birds flying, attacking targeted animals, catching the prey and returning to their falconer.

Such festivals are spectacular events that will give you many stories and memories to share with your friends, but will also give you a lot of really interesting new information about the history, traditions and culture of the Kazakh people and the country. So come and take advantage of these great opportunities, whether you are from Kazakhstan or traveling, we would like to see you learn, explore, and enjoy Kazakhstan!