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Summer evening in Almaty

  • City Break

Summer evenings in Almaty should not only be seen but also felt!

1. A summer evening in Almaty is something worth seeing at least once! And with your own eyes!

2. The former capital of Kazakhstan has lost its status but not the spirit. Almaty residents still strongly stand out among other residents of the Republic for their deliberate love for their city, romantic view of life and benevolent attitude towards the surrounding space.

3. To ensure that, it is enough to once plunge into bewitching aura of Almaty in the evening. Just like that, without any particular plan and goal, wander through the background of a dying day, dink around the pedestrian streets of the old city center, sit on the warm benches, have a cup of tea outside the city cafés.

4. Kazakhstan citizens crack jokes: Almaty is having a party, Astana (Astana) is celebrating, Karaganda is working. And there is a certain amount of truth to that.

5. Almaty is naturally predetermined for evening walks. May there be such warm and sunny days in our southern town (located, incidentally, on the same latitude as Rome and Madrid). It is highly unlikely that these golden and blessed evenings could become any more desirable and charming!

6. However, summer in Almaty is a loose concept. In fact, it lasts three to fair six months! From May to October.

7. We get to go out together to one of the favorite urban boardwalks, which is along Panfilov Street or Jibek Joly Avenue. Here is the center of Almaty's night's life!

8. However, these are not the only streets adapted for mass festivals - every year there are more and more of them. A new trend "the city for pedestrians" has caught on to Almaty.

9. What consistently amazes visitors trapped in the dense crowd of local people? It is the contemporary cosmopolitanism that reflects in them. When such differently looking people feel so serene and cozy next to each other, it is winning.

10. And your eyes will definitely catch the talent of the local people. Almaty residents are not only tolerant, they are creative and gifted by god on the whole. And they are not hesitant to show their skills on the streets.

11. That is why the evening streets sometimes look like concerts sites during a street festival. An ever-lasting festival!

12. Street musicians are the embodiment of multicultural multi-polarity of a multinational metropolis. Dombra and accordion, violin and balalaika, guitar and Indian mridangam get along well together and have their own admirers.

13. Rock, rap , solo, bands, pop, classical music, Soviet hit songs, and ethnic music. If you want to find and listen to music that corresponds to your soul, you should definitely come here!

14. But something great does not have to be necessarily perceived by the soul. You can do that with your ... stomach! In a city, where Asian and European cultures have become woven together in such a bizarre way, there is not only the base but all sorts of opportunities!

15. And yet, in these nightly walks, you can easily discern our future. It is everywhere - messing around, talking loudly and clamoring for attention to their issues and requests.

16. Almaty residents love children and children are indispensable participants in all urban manifestations, including those nightly walks. Is it high time to go to bed? But sleep is an ephemeral matter - no one can escape from it!

17. Despite its refined appearance, Almaty is an eastern city, too. Entrepreneurship is in our blood and street vendors are as required as buskers. 

18. The sun is setting down, the torches are lit and the lights of numerous restaurants and bars and fountain illuminations are becoming brighter and more noticeable. Life on the streets of Almaty is coming alive!

19. And this life, if you want, is a sort of quintessential of collective unconsciousness of the city residents!

20. We started off with, "summer evenings in Almaty must be seen at least once". But this is not quite true. Summer evenings in Almaty shouldn't only be seen but felt as well!