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Логотип Kazakh  tourism










Логотип Kazakh  tourism











Akkegershin Plateau

This plateau is a jewel of the endless steppes of Atyrau Province. The white necklace of chalk cliffs is visible from afar.

Visit Duration

Visit Duration

2 days

Route cost

Route cost



Atyrau province

Akkegershin Plateau

This plateau is a jewel of the endless steppes of Atyrau Province. The white necklace of chalk cliffs is visible from afar.

Akkegershin Plateau is located on the border of Atyrau and Aktobe Provinces, about 245 km (152 mi) away from the city of Atyrau.

Approaching the plateau, you will observe how the steppe changes its color – from brownish-gray to snow-white.

You can drive up to the foot of the buttes or you can admire them from afar. Undoubtedly, it is better to have time to explore the area. The most famous buttes are called "Three Brothers," a popular photography location. The rest of the buttes are so far nameless; you can use your imagination and come up with names for them. However, rains and strong winds are gradually changing the appearance of these snow-white "sculptures." Thanks to this phenomenon, what today resembles a turtle may well become a "dragon" in a year or two.

If the weather is dry during your trip, the surface under your feet will be hard and not crumbling. In this case, walking and climbing the buttes will be very easy, without any damage to them. The rocks become very slippery when it’s raining, however, so be careful. Another reason to look under your feet – you have every chance to find fossilized ammonite shells and shark teeth.

Useful tips for 2020-2021

How to get there

You can get to the plateau only as a member of an auto expedition or as part of a 2-3-day tour organized by a travel agency. It is better to drive along the Atyrau-Aktau highway, stopping by in the town of Kulsary, which is in the center of the Jylyoi Region. You can replenish supplies of water and food and fill up your gas tank in town. Akkegershin Plateau is 100 km (62 mi) away from Kulsary. During your trip you can visit other attractions of the region. For example, travelers will be happy to find that only 55 km (34 mi) to the north-eastis the majestic Aktolagay Plateau.

Food and accommodation

In the town of Kulsary, there is a hotel where you can stay if you do not want to spend the night in tents.