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Логотип Kazakh  tourism










Логотип Kazakh  tourism










Museum / Memorial site

Memorial complex of Kobylandy Batyr

The complex of Kobylandy Batyr was opened in 2007 at the burial place of the legendary hero of history and the Kazakh epic.

Visit Duration

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Route cost

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Aktobe province

Memorial complex of Kobylandy Batyr

The complex of Kobylandy Batyr was opened in 2007 at the burial place of the legendary hero of history and the Kazakh epic.

The author of the memorial complex in Aktobe region is a well-known Kazakh architect Bek Ibraev. The mausoleum has no analogues among similar buildings of the 21st century. Its height is 17.5 meters, and in shape it resembles a batyr helmet with a shield. Near the mausoleum there is a stone, on which the batyr sharpened his saber. The saber was more than three meters long and has survived to this day. It is located at the burial site and visually demonstrates the power of the great people's warrior. At the entrance to the mausoleum there are also stone sculptures, and inside the memorial there is a tombstone koitas, decorated with engraving ornaments.

Once upon a time there was a mazar on the site of this memorial, but over time it was thoroughly destroyed. In the 50s of the twentieth century, archaeological excavations were carried out here, and years later, according to the found bone remains of the skull, an anthropological sculptural reconstruction of the external appearance of the batyr was carried out. The results of many years of research have fully indicated that the remains belong to Kobylandy batyr.

Kobylandy batyr is a famous historical figure who lived in the XIV-XV centuries during the time of Abulkhair Khan. The main source of information about him is the heroic epic "Kobylandy Batyr", which glorifies his exploits.

The memorial complex is a sacral and tourist object.

Useful tips for 2021-2022

How to get there?

The location of the memorial of Kobylandy Batyr is Aktobe region, Khobdinsky district, on the outskirts of the village of Zhirenkop. The proximity of the railway line and the Kobda River, on the left bank of which it is located, will serve as a reference point.

From Aktobe to the village of Zhirenkop can be reached by car of any type, there is also a regular bus. You can also take a taxi to the memorial. The approximate distance from Aktobe to Zhirenkop is 220 km, which will be about five hours on local roads.

Meals and accommodation

For the convenience of pilgrims and tourists, a mini-hotel with a visitor center was built near the memorial. Also next to the monument is a room for sacrifices. There is a caretaker's house - shyrakshy, who can answer questions, give advice, or, if necessary, provide all possible assistance. There are many roadside gas stations, cafes and canteens along the highway.