Ancient mosque Zhakud-ishana
It is believed that the Zhakuda-ishan mosque in Ulytau, Karaganda region was built in the second half of the 19th century.
Visit Duration
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Karagandy province
Ancient mosque Zhakud-ishana
It is believed that the Zhakuda-ishan mosque in Ulytau, Karaganda region was built in the second half of the 19th century.
The title "ishan" was used to call the leaders of the Sufi brotherhoods, but sometimes, as historians say, they could simply call representatives of the family descended from the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.u.). The building of the mosque was restored several times. Its walls and minaret have survived to this day.
Mosques-madrasahs of a similar design can be found in other parts of Ulytau, for example, the Dulygaly mosque, also built by the "ishan".
Useful tips for 2021-2022
How to get there?
It is best to become a member of one of the expeditions, which are regularly organized in the warm season by both travel companies and just enthusiasts, lovers of off-road travel. So, as part of the expedition, we recommend visiting all the iconic places of the Ulytau region at once, including 12 officially registered historical, archaeological and architectural monuments of republican significance. These include Mazar of Zhoshy Khan and Mount Edyge of the Golden Horde period, the mazar of Alash Khan of the period of the Kazakh Khanate, the ritual construction of Dombauyl and the settlement of Baskamyr, the medieval complex of Aulietau, the Zhakuda-ishana mosque and five mazars dating from the 19th century.
The Zhakuda-ishan mosque is located four kilometers southeast of the Akzhar mountains, 15 kilometers from the village of Korgasyn in the Ulytau region in the west Karaganda region. From Korgasyn, you need to leave along the road leading to Akzhar mountains, 18 km long. From the road leading to the mountains, you need to turn south: the mosque is located 800 meters south of the main road.
Meals and accommodation
It is better to stock up on food and water in advance in large settlements. You can return to the hotels of Ulytau for the night or independently equip a tent camp.