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Логотип Kazakh  tourism










Логотип Kazakh  tourism











Kozy Korpesh and Bayan Sulu Mausoleum

People from all over the country flock here to honor the memory of the two lovers, whose love gave rise to legends and folktales.

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East Kazakhstan province

Kozy Korpesh and Bayan Sulu Mausoleum

People from all over the country flock here to honor the memory of the two lovers, whose love gave rise to legends and folktales.

Only in Kazakh folklore the epic "Kozy-Korpesh and Bayan-Sulu" is presented in more than twenty versions. Versions have been preserved in other languages, such as Tatar, Bashkir, Uighur. In Russian, the poem was published by M. Putintsev in 1865. What can I say, the theme of love has always been and will be popular. By the way, Valentine's Day in Kazakhstan is called "Day of Kozy-Korpesh and Bayan-Sulu" and is celebrated on April 15th.

The mausoleum (VIII-X centuries) is located on the high bank of the Ayagoz River, opposite the village of Tansyk (Tarlauly) in East Kazakhstan region. The nearest city of Ayagoz is located about a hundred kilometers from the railway station Tansyk.

The four-sided mazar was built of flat stone, the building narrows upwards, forming a rounded top. Its height is about 12 meters. Inside there are two tombstones (Kozy-Korpesh and Bayan-Sulu). The mausoleum was repeatedly reconstructed, which means it was modified. In 1856, the famous Kazakh researcher Chokan Valikhanov, having visited the monument, made sketches of it. The drawings also depict stone sculptures that stood at the mausoleum, which are not now. According to folk legend, the figures depicted Kozy-Korpesh, Bayan-Sula and her two sisters.

But no matter how the monument has changed, of course, it remains an attractive place where people from all over the country flock to honor the memory of two lovers, to see the places where the young people lived, whose love has survived the centuries.

Useful tips for 2020-2021

How to get there?

Getting to the mausoleum is not easy. It is better to plan to leave by car early in the morning from the city of Ayagoz (and return there after visiting the holy place). By the way, in 2013, a monument to lovers was erected on the city square. Be sure to visit there! To the mazar from Ayagoz along the Karaganda highway, you need to drive a little more than 100 kilometers to the village of Bozoy, then along the country road to the village of Tansyk. From the village to the mazar there is an asphalt road (3.5 km).

Meals and accommodation

In the village of Tansyk there are small shops, but there are no hotels, cafes and gas stations. you will have to spend the night in tents, or return to Ayagoz.